










  * Although all of our products are made from natural ingredients, you should discontinue using them if skin irritation or other discomforts occur. As chemical preservatives are not used, store them in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
  * Our additive-free soaps are highly soluble in water. Dry them well after each use. Please keep in mind that the shapes are not perfectly even as they are all handcrafted.
  * Do not apply undiluted essential oils directly to the skin.
  * In case it gets in the eye, rise with a large amount of running water and immediately consult with a physician.
  * Avoid using essential oils during pregnancy.
  * For those with high blood pressure, avoid using peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary oils, as they are known to have a hypertensive effect.
  * For children under three years old, use only to scent bathing water and not for massaging wherein the oil comes directly in contact with the skin.
  * As citrus oils are photosensitive, avoid exposing skin to direct sunlight after applying. It may cause reddening and darkening of the skin.
  * Keep all essential oils away from the reach of children, as they can be harmful if ingested in large amounts or applied improperly to the skin. Close the lid tightly after each use and store in a cool place away from direct sunlight.
As the quality of oils starts deteriorating after opening, use them up within half a year for citrus oils and within one year for others. (Patchouli, however, is believed to improve in the quality and fragrance with the length of time.)
  * The clay used in PINK CLAY BATH SALT and GREEN CLAY BATH SALT may erode metal and plastic. Those with a pacemaker, bone setting pins, or an IUD should avoid using PINK CLAY BATH SALT and GREEN CLAY BATH SALT. Also, using PINK CLAY BATH SALT and GREEN CLAY BATH SALT in bathtubs equipped with a water purifying system may damage its metal fittings. Finally, for long-term storage, keep products in glass or ceramic containers.
  * As we use recycled bottles for our products to cut cost, including NUT OIL, BABY LOTION and HEAD SPA HAIR CONDITIONER, please understand that there may be some scratches or marks on the
Bottle surface.

Also, please be careful when handing our glass containers as they
may cause injuries when dropped and broken.
  * Be sure to keep our spa line products, including NUT OIL, TREATMENT OILS, BABY LOTION, DOUBLE MOISTURE CREAM and HEAD SPA CONDITIONER In the refrigerator.

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